Books to celebrate difference

We have a huge role to play in educating and challenging our children to be inclusive of others and to embrace difference. Here are some books to help promote inclusion.

Book lists

13 Best Children's Books About Inclusion, Diversity & Kindness

Books for Change (List Of Inclusive Children's Books)

Little Box of Books (Inclusive Children's Book Company)

Books to talk to children about race and racism

Children of the World - nonfiction to help children to learn about other children around the globe

All Are Welcome - follow a group of children through a school where everyone is welcome

My Skin, Your Skin: Let's Talk About Race, Racism and Empowerment - a book to help children and adults to have meaningful conversations about race and racism

This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How To Wake Up, Take Action and Do The Work - learn about the origins of racism and gain the courage and power to undo it

LGBT books

LGBT picture books for children up to 5

LGBT books for teenagers

Build empathy with anti-bullying books

Take a look at these book lists from our friends at Peters booksellers to support your anti-bullying activities with children of all ages:

Books about kindness

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